
Wonky Cakes

I had an email from a customer asking where my wonky cakes were, feeling very bad to not have gotten them done sooner. I've had so much fun the last 2 days working on these cakes. They take almost a day per one and before I am done, thoughts are already creeping into my brain for the next one.

Working with Sculpey is so much fun. I find it much softer than Fimo and for my purposes it works better and doesn't kill my hands. My favorite tools are the pasta roller machine, an x-acto knife and a 90 degree angle pick. These are my best friends and are used with just about everything I do.

New heart cake platters

I just got in these really nice new platters in the mail today and was very excited to work them into a class I am teaching on cakes next June in Great Falls, MT. I came up with a small heart cake on a this platter. It's a 1:12 scale set and I put them on the web site for order. There are 3 colors so far, blue, pink and purple.

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Headed To Boise Idaho for a Miniature Show

Well we are yet again headed to a miniature show. This time it's in Boise Idaho. My dad lives in Boise so this gives me a wonderful chance for a visit. I've got a bunch of new products and am excited to see my fellow vendors.

Hope to see you all there!

Show Info
Date: 4/17/2010
Name: Doll House and Miniature Show
Location: Boise, ID USA
Promoter: Bobbi Hargett
Times: 10 am - 5 pm

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Thanks to Seattle

Well I just finished my 3rd Dollhouse Miniature show in Seattle this last weekend, and as always it was a wonderful show. I taught a class the day before on how to make cupcakes and the women in the class were a joy to teach and we had a great time.

Gone for a few days...

I am in AZ right now for a few days visiting my grandparents. The weather has been wonderful and I am enjoying every minute. We were able to make it to the Phoenix Art Museum and saw the most amazing displays of Thorne Miniature Room boxes. They were wonderful!

These rooms were conceived, designed and in large part created by Narcissa Niblack Thorne. An Indiana native, Thorne began to collect miniature furniture and household accessories during her travels to England and the Far East shortly after the turn of the 20th century.

Seattle Dollhouse Show 2010

Well it's hear again! The Seattle Dollhouse show 2010. This is my first show this year and I'd like to invite everyone who can come to come! This is a wonderful Miniature show, full of wonderful people and miniatures. I started attending this show as a vendor 3 years ago and it's one of my favorites. It's March 6th & 7th, a 2 day show in downtown Seattle, only a few blocks from the Space Needle and Pike Street Market. Seattle Dollhouse Show Here is the link to all the info on the show. It's well worth the visit and I hope to see you there!

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About our new Web site

Well it's finally done! My husband Dan has been working on this for a month now to get the new redesign all done and running, and I think he did an outstanding job. This idea for the new site has been in the works for 2 years now. Being a Yahoo store before and having quite a bit of trouble with them, we are very excited to be own our own. The new site has room to expand and expand we shall. My goal is to bring more new products, blog posts and tutorials for your miniature needs (and wants) :) In the future there will be video tutorials as well as classes available for download.

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Website Redesign

Welcome to Stewart Dollhouse Creations new website. Although it looks quite a bit like the old one, under the hood its all new. Including better features to keep track of your account and past orders and the ability to set and store a default shipping address if you crete an account (you can order just fine without creating a permanent account too, if you prefer).

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