Ruth's blog

Teaching a cake class at the Great Falls Mini show in June

Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be teaching a class on making miniature sliceable heart cakes on June 24th at 1-5pm. This is the first year for this brand new show for Great Falls MT so please come and support it!

Here's the class info and please contact me for any more information. I will have the class open to students until it fills, so come and have fun!

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Teaching how to make sliceable Miniature Cakes in Seattle WA

I am headed to the Seattle WA for the Dollhouse Miniatures show. The show starts Saturday March 5th and continues through Sunday March 6th. Here's the info for the show. This is a great show and usually starts my show season.

Monday March 7th I will be teaching a class on how to make Miniature Sliceable Cakes. You'll learn to make roses, mix clay to make texture for the cakes and decorate with frosting. This will be a fun class with friends!

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We have a Laser Cutter!

I am just so excited to announce we have a laser cutter! I've waited a long time for this and my mind is just full of exciting projects and kits. My husband Dan is doing the designing and is doing a wonderful job. This is his first project and with great success I now have it offered online as a kit or a finished product. Let me know what you think!


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Done with Denver

This was a wonderful show! My first year in Denver turned out to be a success. I took an all day class with Debbie Young on Thursday to do a 1:48 scale attic. It was a wonderful class. I learned a lot about distressing and antiquing wood and furniture. I didn't quite get the attic fully finished, but will do so when I get back from Seattle sometime. Here are some photo's of the class.


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New Cupcake Mold

Well much to my excitement I finally got some cupcake molds done! I've been meaning to get them done for a while and finally had to get myself in gear due to the demand for them at the NAME Convention a couple weeks ago. I've made the mold and put this kit together, to make it fun and easy for anyone to make cupcakes.

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Teaching in Denver Colorado

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be teaching a class in Denver Colorado at the September 8-12, 2010 miniature show. The class will be about learning how to make sliceable cakes and baskets of roses. You will be taking supplies and some tools home as well as your cakes and baskets of roses you'll make.

There are 15 slots available and I was informed today that 5 are gone already. So please sign up now if you'd like to go. Here's the link for the sign up. Hope to see you all there!

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